Summary so far on "One Of Us Is Lying"
The book I am currently reading a book call One Of Us Is Lying. From what I have been reading this book is about there is a boy named Simon and he has detention and he is found dead after detention. And Simon is the creator of a gossip app so he find's out everything and puts it on the app. So who wouldn't want to kill him for telling there business. so the police have no choice but to investigate four main suspects who they think may have killed Simon because of his juicy gossip. The police investigate Bronwyn, Addy, Nate, or Cooper. On the pages I have been reading it just explains the people very well then it gets into the point when the police start investigating them. I about to give you some descriptions of the people in the book. Addy is like the cute popular girl, she is really pretty and like conceited. Bronwyn is like the smart one and she never gets in trouble and she never has. Nate is like a criminal he is on probation. Lastly,Cooper he is into sports. He is an ath...