All about my character

My character is  Muhammad Ali. In My opinion Muhammad Ali is the greatest boxer of all time. Muhammad Ali's personality is he is a good person but sometimes can get out of hand. Muhammad Ali liked to win. Muhammad Ali's role in the story is the antagonist but also still maintaining being a good person. Everyone considered Muhammad Ali the greatest until he became a muslim. Then all of a sudden everybody had something to say about him. If he won a fight the news reporters would say he went to hard on the person. If he lost or didn't beat the person how he did on other fights they would say he could have did better or went to easy on the person. In my opinion Muhammad Ali isn't a bad person it's just that when he became a muslim people that support his race which is African American or black think he is gong against his race. To sum it all up Muhammad Ali has a great personality it's just the things that he does messes up his reputation.


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