The greatest Muhammad Ali

The book that I am going to talk about is "The Greatest Muhammad Ali". This book was all about the legacy of Muhammad Ali. It was about all the fights he got in, what type of disease he had, and his kids. I recommend people to read this book if you like biographies about people and if you want to learn things about Muhammad Ali. Some books that are similar to this book are "Helen Keller: A photographic story of a life" and "Twelve Rounds to Glory: The Story of Muhammad Ali". I recommend this book because in my opinion this was a really great book. Even though people tried to keep Muhammad Ali down he still came up not caring what anybody had to say about it. That's the road you want to go down to just do you not caring what nobody has to say. But to tell you ahead of time this is a short book. It's only 160 pages long. That's all for today more later. Bye :D


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