Perfect~A Pretty Little Liars Series and The Wednesday Wars
I just finished reading "Perfect A Pretty Little Liars Series" by Sara Shepard and I just started reading this book called "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt. I'm going to give you a summary of the Pretty Little Liars book, It was all about 5 best friends Spencer, Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Alison also known as Ali. One day they were in Spencer's barn and Spencer and Ali got into a argument and Ali just vanished and the next day they found out that Alison had been murdered. So now Ali's killer is messing with Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer. Then they go out their way to find out who A is. Something happens at the end but I don't want to spoil it. It is a series so if your interested just read it. I just started this book called "The Wednesday Wars" it's all about a boy name Holling he just started 7th grade and the teacher already hates him. Where he lives from someone's last name you can tell where they live. Holling's family moved right in between the north and the south so now Holling has to stay after school every Wednesday with a teacher that hates him. Holling thinks his teacher hates him because on the first week of 7th grade when she was taking attendance when she read his name she kept asking where he was gonna go after school and when she found out he was going to neither Hebrew School nor Catechism she gave him a look. This book is chaptered by months like every chapter starts with a month. The first chapter starts with September when 7th grade first started. But that's all because that's all I read up to.
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