
Summary so far on "One Of Us Is Lying"

The book I am currently reading a book call One Of Us Is Lying. From what I have been reading this book is about there is a boy named Simon and he has detention and he is found dead after detention. And Simon is the creator of a gossip app so he find's out everything and puts it on the app. So who wouldn't want to kill him for telling there business. so the police have no choice but to investigate four main suspects who they think may have killed Simon because of his juicy gossip. The police investigate Bronwyn, Addy, Nate, or Cooper. On the pages I have been reading it just explains the people very well then it gets into the point when the police start investigating them. I about to give you some descriptions of the people in the book. Addy is like the cute popular girl, she is really pretty and like conceited. Bronwyn is like the smart one and she never gets in trouble and she never has. Nate is like a criminal he is on probation. Lastly,Cooper he is into sports. He is an ath...

Perfect~A Pretty Little Liars Series and The Wednesday Wars

I just finished reading "Perfect A Pretty Little Liars Series" by Sara Shepard and I just started reading this book called "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt. I'm going to give you a summary of the Pretty Little Liars book, It was all about 5 best friends Spencer, Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Alison also known as Ali. One day they were in Spencer's barn and Spencer and Ali got into a argument and Ali just vanished and the next day they found out that Alison had been murdered. So now Ali's killer is messing with Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer. Then they go out their way to find out who A is. Something happens at the end but I don't want to spoil it. It is a series so if your interested just read it. I just started this book called "The Wednesday Wars" it's all about a boy name Holling he just started 7th grade and the teacher already hates him. Where he lives from someone's last name you can tell where they live. Holling's famil...

Point of view of my book

The point of view for my book is third person omnicscent. I know that my book is third person omniscient because the narrator is they one talking in the story and when she talks about the characters she states their feelings and what they are feeling at the moment. The narrator states how the characters reacted to specific situations. The characters in the story never really spoke in like 1st person. The narrator expresses their thoughts about things. So it’s like the narrator is with each character every where they go and knows every little thing. But every little thing that happens the narrator doesn’t forget a thing to explain how each character feels about it. Like for example when a character gets hit by a car or something the narrator tells how the character feels after it. The narrator tells the characters thoughts and she’s the only person that know unless the character tells other characters. But that’s all for today more next time :)

Books I want to read this year

To Read List: *Matched(Recommended by Jashlyn in a book talk) *Monster(Recommended by Dakari in a book talk) *Hip-Hop High School(Recommended by Mikayla in a blog post) *Out of Sight Out of Time(Recommended by Shaniyia in a blog post) *Perfect:Pretty Little Liars Series(Recommended by Priniyah in a blog post) *Dorthy Must Die(Recommended by Ms.Petrella in class) *The Uglies(Recommended by Ms.Petrella in class) *Brothers in Arms(Recommended by Kamaria in a blog post) *20,000 Leagues in Sea(Recommended by Domonick in a blog post) *Lesson Learned(Recommended By Makayla Seymour in a blog post)

The greatest Muhammad Ali

The book that I am going to talk about is "The Greatest Muhammad Ali". This book was all about the legacy of Muhammad Ali. It was about all the fights he got in, what type of disease he had, and his kids. I recommend people to read this book if you like biographies about people and if you want to learn things about Muhammad Ali. Some books that are similar to this book are "Helen Keller: A photographic story of a life" and "Twelve Rounds to Glory: The Story of Muhammad Ali". I recommend this book because in my opinion this was a really great book. Even though people tried to keep Muhammad Ali down he still came up not caring what anybody had to say about it. That's the road you want to go down to just do you not caring what nobody has to say. But to tell you ahead of time this is a short book. It's only 160 pages long. That's all for today more later. Bye :D

Review So Far On Prophet Of Bones

The book I am currently reading during DEAR class is “Prophet Of Bones.” I’m gonna tell you what I read so far about my book. My book is about a boy named Paul he lives with his mom and dad. He is 11 years old. He is into science a lot. His mom is the calm but scared one and his dad is the one that has a bad temper. The science fair was soon coming up and Paul wanted to enter in it. He had been working on this nice project for a long time. Previously his dad told him he couldn’t have any pets. So one day while Paul was working on the project he noticed his dad got off work early that day and his dad noticed the attic light was on so he went to see what was up there and he found out about the mice project. He thought Paul had secret pets when he told him he couldn’t have any pets. All Paul saw coming was a hand coming toward him then his dad just starting loosing it on him. Which to me was not the right thing to do because he didn’t even let Paul explain. But that’s all for now more nex...

All about my character

My character is  Muhammad Ali. In My opinion Muhammad Ali is the greatest boxer of all time. Muhammad Ali's personality is he is a good person but sometimes can get out of hand. Muhammad Ali liked to win. Muhammad Ali's role in the story is the antagonist but also still maintaining being a good person. Everyone considered Muhammad Ali the greatest until he became a muslim. Then all of a sudden everybody had something to say about him. If he won a fight the news reporters would say he went to hard on the person. If he lost or didn't beat the person how he did on other fights they would say he could have did better or went to easy on the person. In my opinion Muhammad Ali isn't a bad person it's just that when he became a muslim people that support his race which is African American or black think he is gong against his race. To sum it all up Muhammad Ali has a great personality it's just the things that he does messes up his reputation.